木曜日, 10月 27, 2005

Nothing new except going to hospital this saturday

This week has been a busy one but quite fulfilling. Sleep abt 5 hrs a day for the past 4 days. But I am blessed to have a deep sleep each night. I always pray to father and hope that he can let my tired body rest well and prepare for the new day. This coming weekend will be halloween and I have came up with some some items in my menu..pumpkin sandwiches and pan-fried pasta. Wondering how will my boys think abt the new items...haha looking forward to see their expressions tomorrow.

Well, I have been a frequent patron of the local hospitals. I thought I won't be going to hospital after the death of my dad early this year but....when you hate doing something, thing will come against your will. I developed probia for hospital but I have no choice but to go there for the 3rd time this year....damn. Hate the smell and the environment. To me hospital is like hell than heaven. Father in heaven please grant me the courage to overcome my probia again as I will be going to the hospital this coming saturday.

月曜日, 10月 24, 2005

My Feast day! sunday feast!

My goodness! I thought I will go on a fast today but I can't resist the good food. I ate 2 cakes, 2 sandwiches, a mushroom soup with bun and coffee at 3pm and I ate again at 6.30 pm ---at pasta mania: alio olio pasta...gosh now while i am typing my blog..i am having my high dose of caffeine intake and LAY's potato chips. So much Carbo and caloies to burn...no wonder I put on 2 kg recently ...yup within a month. After I receive christ, I have been sleeping, eating well...being a very happy soul who enjoy feasting. My friends said that I looked better now , more healthy looking than beginning of the year. BUT, I feel so fat now....I wanna lose weight but I know I can't cos no motivation leh. When I am very happy, I eat alot...I have a habi of eating alot of meals within a day...now my stomach is so bloated with undigested food. Can I be happy but without the fats? Haiz....

As for now I need to sleep. Got a long day ahead tomorrow...got to wake up at 3.30am. Poor me but I am happy that I lived my life to the fullest now..no more regrets.

日曜日, 10月 23, 2005

Today is a great day! I am blessed to have my problem solved finally and got my friends to come over to my place for a gathering. It has been a busy but fruitful week. I have not been so tired for quite some time...I somehow missed this kinda of busy lifestyle...haha I know I am a saddist and workaholic at times...

A busy week at work...did present some new dishes at my workplace. Woke early in the morning to make healthy sandwiches and salads for my boys. Yup, I heard that deepavali is coming and some of them involved in a vegetarian fast for the fire-walking ritual. I made some vegetarian sandwiches for them. It is a chore to make vegetarian food..more work and less profit but I am glad that they were happy abt these sandwiches I a making. I like to serve them in a way I also feel good abt myself...being a better soul now( a servant in HIS eyes). I love to see things through his eyes and I hope to be a humble servant too. In life, u don't have to set yourself to do things that will gain rewards but think how you can benefit those pple you served/helped. Your rewards may not come now but may arrive in heaven.

I also managed to come up a design for T-shirts needed for a company event in Malaysia. I am really glad that my friend offered me this job when I needed the "money". I am on my 3rd project with this company. I hope I will have more projects to come...haha..I am not pressurizing you, my friend who will be reading my blog. Anyway you have been encouraging and supportive towards my work. Thank you for being there always. I hope I will always be there for you too...Also thanks for the heartwarming "Hor Fun" you delivered to my house. I am very touched especially when I didn't have dinner but junk food that night and I was down with a bad running nose.

I managed to settle my burden/problem again. haha...this time, my burden will be gone forever...I thought initially, it is coming back to me... Now finally it is settled. I felt relieved again. I did my house cleaning today and cleared the mess I left in my room for 2 weeks and mop the house. I also managed to finish another KOREAN DRAMA SERIAL: the crown prince's first love. I started on another new korean drama now--18 vs 29...This is an addictive habit. I went out at abt 5 pm today to get my black pepper, chilli crabs, bbq chicken wings, coleslaw, fresh fruits for this evening gathering. I ordered pizza too.

Yup, initially I thought of cooking up a storm in my kitchen but I was too tired and lazy to do so. Okie I promised I will cook next time. But I enjoyed every minute of the gathering...lots of laughter and sarcastic remarks flying across the room. We are a group of super sarcastic pple wo gathered together just to laugh at each other's mistakes or scandals etc...as usual I am always their primary target. We had a nice chocolate cake today ...thanks to Joel. Super fully loaded sinful chocolate cake. wow lots of calories gained today.

After the gathering cum mahjong session, we drove to Upp East Coast Rd ( Shi nai cha chan ting) A Hong Kong cafetaria that is opened till 5 am. Wow...cool isn't it? Finally get to enjoy nice Hong Kong food. We ate our Supper and I drank 2 cuppa of ice tea cum coffee float. Ate the Bo luo buns, Portugese fried noodles, salt & peper beancurd, French toast with bananas...damn full liao.
I decided to go to East Coast Park for a night walk since I have never been to east coast park for ages liao. It is my 1st time going east coast park at midnight. We went for a long walk. It is amazing to find so many pple and couples at east coast at this hour. The air is fresh and it looks like it is going to rain ... Yup indeed it rained along our way home..I have to drive at 50km/hr on an expressway. today has been a fruitful day. Thanks GOD for everything you bring to my life. A better person, A happy soul, A humble servant...and I hope many more will come as I follow you closely.

May GOD blessed those lonely people in the world especially in a rainy night when the weather is cold and the room is dark. Let them have their light in life...I have mine and I hope they will find their lights soon!

木曜日, 10月 20, 2005

Something light in content: an apple a day........

okie my fren has been commenting that I have been too holy recently...
So this time round I will not talk about my father in heaven but I will talk abt layman stuff.
For the sake of his grace and for the sake of my avid readers out there:

This joke caught me when I was in ICU.

There was a little girl named Amy, her dad was a doctor and her mom was a housewife.
One day after a scolding from her dad, Amy went to the kitchen to search for something...
She searched the fridge but couldn't find any of it. Hence, she asked her mom who was washing the dishes at that moment.

Amy asked: " Mom! I need an apple today!"
Her mom handed an apple to Amy and asked her: "Dear. Why do you want an apple, you always hate apples?"

Amy replied: "Is it true that an apple a day keep the doctor away?"
Mom looked at little Amy with abit of confusion and said: "Yes my dear. Why do you say that?"

Amy said: " Great! I want to have an apple everyday from now on....because I wanna keep daddy away from me! So I won't get any more scoldings from him for not doing my sch work!"

Quote: My frens out there ..something must not be told to kids nowadays..they are too smart for us adults to handle..


火曜日, 10月 18, 2005

Club Med at Bora Bora Tahiti
Saw this heavenly place on a drama serial and I find out more on the club Med website.
It is such a beautiful place, free from environmental pollution and tropical throughout the year. Another Hawaii but a less populated and less polluted one. Going there is very expensive. Need to transfer flight via Australia or New Zealand or Tokyo. Hence, this place is only for the rich ones. Need to spend at least 1 week on the island. Though the huts on the beach are abit too old and need repair...but overall I think the scenery and the fresh air can compensate for the old wooden huts. It is also a nice place to rejvenation and healing and not forgetting getting inspirations.... I wish I can go there once in my lifetime.....I think I will go there in the future. haha..perhaps for my honeymoon. heehee

月曜日, 10月 17, 2005

Father Albert Brys prayed for me today! The feeling is so wonderful!

I was at St. Francis of assisi for the sunday mass this morning. Later, I joined the group discussion and talked abt how do we come to know GOD etc. My group mate recommended a book called: "Home Sweet Rome" . It is abt how a very pro-protestant couple find to way to roman catholicism. This couple went through lots of obstacles including spiritual struggle to finally understand their true faith through catholicism. The group mate was touched by the book and finally went for his RCIA after 10 yrs since he came to know abt catholicism through his wife.

I understand this is a long journey and I couldn't explained why I choose to be a catholic than a protestant christian. I just follow my heart and where it leads me. GOD planned my path. He wants me to experience him and the holy spirits in Catholicism. I respect his choice. I enjoyed myself and find inner peace now. Father Brys wanted to see me today. I went to his office and he asked me: " why u want to join the catholic church?" Why I choose catholicism?...I explained to him how i embarked from a journey of sadness and loneliness to finding my inner peace and my hope in life and how I felt HIS presence etc...I cried as I told him my journey..cannot control my tears. It has been a difficult path I took to come to know HIM. Father Brys later asked me to pray together with him. He asked GOD to make me into a better person and blessed with all good things and adopt a gd lifestyle. After that, we prayed. I am really thankful to father Brys for this prayer. Thank you my father in heaven for creating so many wonderful miracles in my life and let me meet many wonderful children of yours. I want to thank francis,joanna and cecilia from St Anthony. Thank you for inviting me to the healing mass. Though sometimes I don't understand the accent of the indian priests but I enjoyed the idea of praising our Lord.

Have a gd week ahead
Did my storeroom cleaning today..finally after more than 10 yrs of neglect.

Lucky that I didn't sneeze when I dust away the dirt...threw out alot of things..can't believe my dad kept alot of junkie in the store.

Managed to retrieve this car plate..haha ..didn't know my dad really keep this old car plate. Of course I will not throw away this one..so memorable. Managed to dig out my grandma's treasure biscuit box...inside are some sewing scissors, needles, tile cards, my grandpa's beard brush etc... Found an old kerosene lamp and a grandfather clock..heehee and also alot of coke glass cups. Wow! can open an antique shop liao!
Thanks lord! I enjoyed my afternoon discovering the treasures in my storeroom. I find my lost memories back somehow. I don't feel sad when I looked at these things my dad left behind....I am thankful to him for keeping all these treasures for mi to discover. He is no longer around now but he still stay in the house. His spirit remains in the things he left behind, including in me... I began to show some traits of my dad as the days go by... I am stronger now! I wanna thank my father in heaven and my father on earth for giving me life and of course happiness.

木曜日, 10月 13, 2005

My footprints

I always thought I was walking alone all this while. Everytime when I turned to look at my footprints on the sand, I only saw mine... there's only one set of footprints on the sand. I didn't know that you have been accompanying me through my journey all the time. You knew that I will be negative towards your kindness if you had appeared before me. Hence, you keep your distance from me. However, you didn't give up on me because I am your child and you don't want me to lose my way again. You always followed behind me and not losing your sight off me. When I am in pain or at loss, you sent your angels to help me.
It is through your patience, love and forgiveness that I realised how much you love me. Today, I am walking side by side with you. When I turned to look at the footprints left on the sand; I see 2 sets of footprints now. They belong to you and me---My father and your daughter-in-christ.

The act of reconciliation/penance and forgiveness

Conversion, confession and celebration in brief:

Look at the parable of the Prodigal Son. The father, seeing his son in the distance, runs out to meet him with an embrace and a kiss. Through one loving gesture, the father forgives the son-and the son hasn't even made his confession yet! When he does, it seems the father hardly listens. The confession is not the most important thing here; the important thing is that his son has returned. The son need not beg for forgiveness, he has been forgiven. This is the glorious Good News: God's forgiveness, like God's love, doesn't stop. In this parable, Jesus reveals to us a loving God who simply cannot not forgive!

Celebration is a word we haven't often associated with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. But in Jesus' parable, it is obviously important and imperative. "Quick!" says the father. "Let us celebrate." And why? Because a sinner has converted, repented, confessed and returned.

Some interesting facts that I found on CIA website on the percentage of world population in different religions: of course Christians make up the majority

Christians 32.84% (of which Roman Catholics 17.34%, Protestants 5.78%, Orthodox 3.44%, Anglicans 1.27%)


水曜日, 10月 12, 2005

Stop being a judge!

" Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them."
Matt 7:1-2

The golden rule:
Do for others what you would like them to do for you.

my thoughts:
It is easier said than done. We are always judging pple in our everday life on earth. Sometimes, we didn't know that we are judging pple. We did it sub-consciously. We placed labels on pple when we make our 1st impressions on the pple we see--gosh! look at what she is wearing today..so mis-match etc.... We think of what the other party has on mind while we are chatting with them...we always thought the other party may think in the same way as what we thought they might be but sometimes they are not...hence we have mis-judged! Everyone is a victim of other's pple judgement..it is the intensity of it that makes the difference in the sufferings that we been through. I have been mis-judged by pple many times and I hope pple can stop judging me and read me fro their hearts.

So try your best to stop these habits bit by bit....
I have come to this world not to be served but to serve. Jesus Christ.

We must be humble in our everyday life and learn to serve others (our neighbours) with all our hearts. We must love them, forgive their mistakes and be patient with them. We should not help our neighbours because of personal gain or glory. We must be humble like a servant. It is through servanthood that we can spread the glory of our lord and the Father. It is through servanthood that we learn to respect every human beings and in return we will also be respected.

"When the apostles wanted to know what it was like to be leader in Jesus' kingdom, Jesus washed their feet to show them that anyone who want to become great among you must first be your servant."

To be a servant, is indeed be a true leader!

* Try to serve today: put up your greatest smile when you see people. Wish them a great day ahead. Help those people in need.

God bless your day!

火曜日, 10月 11, 2005


I did mention in my previous post that I have done some reflections over the week. One of them, kinda surprised that I can recall it---Last thurs night while I am lying down on my bed and trying hard to fall asleep, I was thinking abt things that have happened to me...some thoughts etc. Then out of the sudden, I recalled that a few months back I had a dream. I dreamt that I will become christian/catholic. I woke up that morning feeling terrified, and I siad to myself, it is only a bad dream, how can I become christian/ catholic? I can't recall whether I have told any of my friends of this dream. Indeed to a buddhist, this kinda of dream is quite traumatizing. Now, I think and feel differently. It is GOD's will to let me know who I am gonna be in the near future. I thank HIM for sheding some light into my darkness and lead me to his path slowly.

"Through his eyes, I have learnt to see people's hearts. Through his ears, I learn to be patient and sensitive to the surroundings, listen to their voices. Through his hands, I will learnt to touch lives bit by bit. Through his feet, I will learn to follow his footsteps. For I know, He loves me and I will be forgiven."

月曜日, 10月 10, 2005

Its been a week since my last blog posting....

For my die hard fans out there, I apologised for the delay cos I have been really busy for the whole at work. Some Big stuff caught up and I have to attend to all the things at my workplace....So tiring!

Well, I have been reflecting throughout this week and thinking of the things I wanna do for this coming week. 1st thing on the list---RCIA. Thanks for the invitation from francis at St. Anthony. See you and cecilia on this coming thurs. I am really excited abt it. Next, Plan for my gathering on the 22 oct at my house--hmm, what shld I cook this time?. By this coming weekend I should have my new television console delivered to my house, at the same time, I gonna cleared away alot of old furnitures. I prefer emptiness and vast space. It is always gd to cleared away as many pieces of furniture as possible. This will create less dust accumulation, less housework, more room to roam abt and of course fresher air and more lights. Agree? Anyway, those interested help me with my furnitures clearing, can give me a buzz...

Lastly, send u guys this love in the air picture. Hope that you will see love, feel love and be loved everyday in your life. Love is all around..............All u have to do is to reach out your hands and feel his love.

火曜日, 10月 04, 2005

Today is his 9th month death anniversary!

Pa, I love you!
He Died last night

Alvin died last night at 8 pm plus at National University Hospital. He died because of a brain tumour. I am saddened by the news today. Another thing caught up at work today too. I felt kinda restless today...too many bad things happened in a day.

GOD if u are listening, please let me sleep peacefully tonight and prepare me for the challenges ahead. Amen

月曜日, 10月 03, 2005

Hairstylist VS image consultant. Car mechanics VS mechanical engineer

A gd friend of mine told me asked me this question:

" Do u know what the australian students said when their tutor asked them what they want to do after their college graduation?"

I said: "So what did they say?" I already have a set of answers that what S'porean students will say in mind.

My friend replied: " They will say about their dreams, like what they aspire to be...hairstylist, car mechanics, etc.." I will not be surprised if one will say I wanna be a farmer.

It is time for us to reflect on it. Where have your childhood dreams go to? I graduated with a degree and so wat? I always get people saying that it will be a waste that I did not apply for a management, or marketing job...etc. I took over the family business. Yup, I don't get the glamour from working at my place than in a corporate company. Giving out name cards with the MNCs logo on it..So wat? I still enjoy what I am doing now. Serving my customers and building a good relationship with the people I meet and the environment etc...At the end of the day it is you who decide who u wanna be. Yes, sometimes you may be forced by circumstances...but you will have to stay on and wait for your turn. If the chance comes, grab it and make it happen. Don't always watch things happen, be the creator! And leave the rest to GOD.
I am waiting for my big break too! Let's work hard together my friends!

House cleaning Days!

Mop the floor, clean the kitchen, wipe the tables, clear the mess on the table...clean the fish tank. Fold my clothes. Okie do some gardening later...

Life is so good! House is clean and my soul is also cleansed. Those friends who came my house on last thurs, will know..haha...got inspired by my house furnishings?
I thank U

Even if I am in tears, I still feel grateful.

From this, You will see how happy I am

That is because not only that I had been in a love relationship which everyone is dreaming of

At the same time, I had with me, a beautiful love memory. (That is You!)

A nice extract from a lyrics that I would like to share with U.

Sorry guys and gals,
I have not been updating my blog for almost a week. I am OK! no worries!. Well, I just feel tired and at peace for the week...So most of the time, I am thinking of nothing but enjoying my long-awaited peace. I know u guys will be glad that I finally find my peace of mind. Haha...Finally I got another burden down. Now I just have to wait for my 3rd burden to be off in a month's time. I just have to be patient. I confessed that I was feeling abit o of my mind on last Tuesday. I just felt stressed and emotionally challenged on that day. I went to St Mary's evening mass that day. I stayed on for the saint Anthony devotion after the mass. I regained my foothold after the one hr mass. I felt peace again. It's so magical! I have been very lucky in alot of things I did for the past week. I think I will continue to be lucky...haha..after I found my 4 leaves clover and after I have accepted HIS PRESENCE ! HE has been kind to me. I Hope and pray that he can also be kind towards another soul who is dying of severe brain damage. This young boy at a tender age of 20 is going to die within these few days. I hope for miracles to happen but i know i cannot control the outcome. If it is GOD's will to let him die. May this boy follows you to HEAVEN.
Bless this child, ALVIN.

Yummy Yummy...St louis Porky ribs at Cartel..SUPer Big Serving--only manage to eat half of it

日曜日, 10月 02, 2005