月曜日, 10月 17, 2005

Father Albert Brys prayed for me today! The feeling is so wonderful!

I was at St. Francis of assisi for the sunday mass this morning. Later, I joined the group discussion and talked abt how do we come to know GOD etc. My group mate recommended a book called: "Home Sweet Rome" . It is abt how a very pro-protestant couple find to way to roman catholicism. This couple went through lots of obstacles including spiritual struggle to finally understand their true faith through catholicism. The group mate was touched by the book and finally went for his RCIA after 10 yrs since he came to know abt catholicism through his wife.

I understand this is a long journey and I couldn't explained why I choose to be a catholic than a protestant christian. I just follow my heart and where it leads me. GOD planned my path. He wants me to experience him and the holy spirits in Catholicism. I respect his choice. I enjoyed myself and find inner peace now. Father Brys wanted to see me today. I went to his office and he asked me: " why u want to join the catholic church?" Why I choose catholicism?...I explained to him how i embarked from a journey of sadness and loneliness to finding my inner peace and my hope in life and how I felt HIS presence etc...I cried as I told him my journey..cannot control my tears. It has been a difficult path I took to come to know HIM. Father Brys later asked me to pray together with him. He asked GOD to make me into a better person and blessed with all good things and adopt a gd lifestyle. After that, we prayed. I am really thankful to father Brys for this prayer. Thank you my father in heaven for creating so many wonderful miracles in my life and let me meet many wonderful children of yours. I want to thank francis,joanna and cecilia from St Anthony. Thank you for inviting me to the healing mass. Though sometimes I don't understand the accent of the indian priests but I enjoyed the idea of praising our Lord.

Have a gd week ahead