月曜日, 1月 30, 2006

Girl with flowers

The people who make it happened!

Messy chinatown at 3.30am

The aftermath of chinese new yr countdown at chinatown in Singapore. Litters were everywhere. Lots of coconuts and food wrappers etc. Haiz now who's talking abt a clean and green environment.

Just when we start to worry abt the mess and wondering how the cleaners gonna clear them...there came the rescue of the super huge vacuum cleaning trucks. Yup we still liviong in the stone age where we thought tt everything must be done with hard labour...we have forgotten abt the use of modern technology...

土曜日, 1月 28, 2006

IF only crows wear diapers!

Just send my baby corolla for a HOT WAXING. Now its body is shiny and spotless.
It is irritating to see White SPOTS on ur beloved baby (bird shit lah). My carpark is an open-air one and there are lots of trees and living happily on these trees are a bunch of crows which treat all cars as their W.C. HOW I hope that these crows can wear diapers for these 2 nights so that all the new waxed cars can be spotless.

Dear Mr and Mrs crows, ur help in keeping the environment clean will appreciated and WE, the car owners, apologised for any incovenience caused in the event that you all need to wear diapers or even shift your W.C. to somewhere else.

Happie NEW YEAR!

金曜日, 1月 27, 2006

the cookie outside the coffee can never get into the cup

The idea of blending in....

Coffee powder, sugar and milk blends well together in a cup. But the "poor cookie" sitting on the saucer next to the cup can never blend in. They are so near and yet so far cos cookie is always a cookie. Cookie cannot be grinded nor pounded into powder to blend into the cup of COFFEE, SUGAR AND MILK. You cannot change the form of cookie to accomodate the other ingredients.

木曜日, 1月 26, 2006

Pillion riding is not that fun anymore!

A series of misfortunate events have befallen on me for the past 3 days and I think it will last for a week! I shld lie low this whole week.

After my car accident, my baby was sent for plastic surgery at the workshop hence I have no car to use for these 3 days. Today, I worked quite late until 8 pm hence I missed the public bus service. I have to walk out of the camp alone in the dark. But I tot I was lucky when I saw this army guy I know at the carpark. I asked him for a short ride out on his scooter. He told me tt he has no helmut with him now..I said never mind and I told him it is a short distance so It didn't matter. So he is beri kind to offer me the ride. I didn't know the consequences of pillion riding without a helmut can be dire in an army compound until...........we are turning and the guy stopped at a junction. We saw an indian guy who was looking at us. The army guy asked me to alight 1st and the indian guy asked him to stop. I sensed tt something is not right so I went forward to chk it out...The indian guy turns out to be a warrant officer from another unit in the army. He asked for our camp pass and where we worked, our designations...even my Ic number....shit. He tot he is a policeman. STOP DREAMING!

He asked and scolded the army guy. Do u know tt it is a very serious offence to pillion ride a person without helmut? I interrupted and said it is my fault as I insisted in pillion riding. I told him tt the army guy said NO already but I insisted. Then the warrant officer asked to stand aside and stop interrupting. Later, he asked for the names of his company officer and CSM. Then He said : Oh ...I know ur commanding officer (CO) beri well...I think I will call him tomolo to tell him abt it. Both our faces turned green....CO is like the principal..shit he is in a bad mood lately and u gonna tell our principal tt I the civilian has caused his man to commit an offence...I really wil be in deep shit!

Later, he asked the army guy to leave 1st then he questioned me. I told him I worked late today and I insisted to get a free riode and not knowing the consequences. I asked him to forgive and excuse the army guy as I am the one at fault...the warrant officer said he will report as I insisted on riding the scooter. I said OK!. He told me tt if next time I worked late I can called and informed the pple on duty at the gate to send someone up to escort me out of the camp or I can follow one of the service man out...I said I will...Then he said He will think abt the severity of the case and think whether he wants to report the case tomolo to my commanding officer...aiyo, GOD pls help me...I hope the army guy will be fine...or else I will be gulity lah...

火曜日, 1月 24, 2006

never thirsty

the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life

I am never thirsty since I have received his water. He gave me more than just living water but the peace of mind. There goes why I can stay calm and strong in whatever things I do. I know he is always there to help.

月曜日, 1月 23, 2006

Damn! met with a car accident today!

Haiz....my dear baby corolla kissed another car at the carpark...damn got distracted when making a turn. Now I have to bear with the consequences of getting my car bumper changed and a brand new car plate and pay at least $500 to the other party for damages. Lucky the guy only sent his car to the mechanics and didn't report for insurance or else I have to pay more premiums the coming yr. Haiz...When I needed the money most, I am losing money....but at least GOD gave me a peace of mind when I bumped into the other party's car and I am calm thru out. The other party also kind enough...so it is a happy ending finally just the money spent and the time spent at the workshop...my car need to stay HOSPITALISED for 3 days....My baby.....oh poor thing...MAMA promise to take care of u when u r discharged. I give u a gd nose job. Promised no scars.

Saw CENYDD at chinatown today!

My dear brothers and sisters in Shuqun...Don't be surprised by the title. The one who saw him is Catherine not me of course.

Heard from Cat's : My dearie Mr Cenydd Tan Wye Teck has become an average looking chap on the streets. He is no longer the cool and handsome looking dude from 4F. *Sigh* I thought he shld have grown more "man" and "Ham". I really miss his looks back in SHUQUN. He had brought alot of wonderful memories and He made me to become who I am today. I shld be grateful to him for motivating me to squeeze my butt into JJC. With no turning back, I am forced to go NUS....But I thought we can make it to the UNIVERSITY. But things didn't turn out as what I have thought I shld be....Cenydd "used" to be a super smart guy and the apple of his teachers especially MISS SUM (A maths). Haiz.....But he played cool too much, He didn't do well for 2 consecutive "A" levels exams and finally he managed to squeeze his butt into SIM.
Wouldn't it be wonderful for him to go to NUS together with me too? Life really played a hard joke on my beau.

Thanks for the pain and sweetness that u brought into my life. Thanks for your fren's sarcastic remarks. I really happy that u have become what u r today. May GOD bless u and happy new year dearie cos I still miss u ( I mean the old "u" not now)

Sometimes, Girls can get nasty with their old flame..........Pls forgive me okie? I still love u.

日曜日, 1月 22, 2006

The 1st snowfall in TOKYO

Yeah it is finally snowing in TOkYO on sat ....hehe

late nite reading at borders

I have been sleeping late recently. Well guess too much of caffeine being consumed and now I have to bear with the side effects.

I always love to go out late at night when there is less crowd. Last night I was at Borders at abt 10.30pm. I love late nite shopping...hehe...I get to read alot of magazines and flipped thru a few books. Finally, I bought a book called BEANS--four principles for running a biz in gd times or bad. Guess I am afterall a business grad and I am running a business now so this bk appeals to me at 1st sight. It is abt the experience of a coffee retail chain.

Some historical facts abt coffee...started in 600AD--COFFEE made its migration from Ethiopia to Arabica. In 1938, Nestle in brazil invented the 1st instant coffee--Nescafe. Viola!
1971, the 1st starbucks opens in seattle. haha lets talk abt Sleepless in Seattle...we shld give credit to Starbucks for this.

I also managed to get some more ideas from UK and Europe interior designing magazines..These angmohs are really creative siah! I like the bold colors and designs. I love the furniture......But they all are priced in pounds like 2k to 5k pounds for a sofa...OMG! damn expensive and also exclusive as they are designer stuff....I want a phillip stark chair....Or I have to invent my own Phillip "Stuck" chair liao...cos no money to buy it.

Anyway, I stayed at borders until 12 midnite...Haiz How I wished They are opened for 24 hrs on FRI and Sat...Life in singapore are damn boring....Pple sleep to early liao.

My heart belongs to you!

At my most darkest hour, You held my hands.
You can see the fear and tears that are flowing in me.
With your assurance, I am able to pick the pieces of my broken heart.
You gave them warmth, you melted them and slowly moulded them to become yours.
Now my heart belongs to you.

No matter what the future may lead us to.
No matter how our dreams may have led us apart.
Should we get separated or shld we walk our lives together,
Just remember, my heart still belongs to you.
You have always been the rightful owner of mine
cos you built it in me

土曜日, 1月 21, 2006

renovation woes: interior designing is such a chore!

I am really getting really busy busybusy...24hrs a day is not enough!
Okie I only left a week before chinese new yr to spring clean my hse but frankly speaking I don't have the luxury of a week cos I have been tied down by work lately...work till 9pm daily...I need to break. So I only have this weekend to clear the mess and make sure I dump my old furniture by sun evening.

Furnitures to dump: a single bed frame, a wooden cupboard and a study table. Anyone is kind enough to help me move this furniture? I doubt so...

I need to clear away as many junkies as possible before the chinese new yr and prepare for my hse renovation after the new yr...Really got alot more things to do...Haiz.....I am stressed out.
Though my hse has been cleaner and more spacious now as compared to the past ( I used to stay in a cramped environment---cos I dun bother to do hsework and clear the old stuff). But I still need to clear away 2 rooms---make sure these rooms are empty with only 2 or 3 pieces of furnitures. Me gonna create wonders within these 2 days....

As for the big MAKEOVER of my hse: I will be knocking down my toilets and kitchen and repaint the whole hse. Guess it will takes abt 3 weeks. I have been reading alot abt interior designing...I wanna look for a suitable design. I love the neoclassical motifs which is now beri common in lounges. But I also like the minimalism look ofthe zen and white stuff..guess is my split personality at work...a wild inner me covered with a quiet shell..or is the opposite?

Neoclassical: A style of architecture and art that developed in the late 19th century that reflects a new revival of interest in classical antiquities from the Greek and Roman cultures of the past.

金曜日, 1月 20, 2006

Memoirs of a geisha --argh! an alternative approach

Geishas are prostitutes with grace and class....
take a look at this...hehe

Memoirs of the geisha

If U have $1 million to spare for a day---put it in RHB bank

3.00 4.00 4.50 6.00 1.50 0.10 1.00

1 Day Rate in interest.....

Just put 1 million in FD at RHB Bank then U get a one day interest of 3%..
no wonder the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer...
3% p.a. of 1 million dollars = $30000/365 in interest in a day

compared to : 0.125 % p.a. for a $10000 deposit in the savings a/c

You are the light of my life!
You are the fresh water that runs from the stream that quenches my thirst!
You are the patches of grassland that support my restless body!
You are the LOVE of my life!
You are the air that I breathe!
You are everywhere around me!

月曜日, 1月 16, 2006

My Baptism name...hehe got this strong feeling that COLETTE is the name!

I have been busy browsing thru websites for a suitable name....But still think Colette suits me...hehe though the name is abit hard to call/pronounce...Coh-let. But I had this strong feeling that this name really suits me. Is my holy spirit hinting me? I feel strongly for this name....strange. My holy spirit really works hard in me. He always guide me when I am in confusion. For those who strongly believe in the force of holy spirit will know what I meant.

土曜日, 1月 14, 2006

Choosing a suitable christian name for Baptism!

Not sure whether I am able to go through Baptism in apr this year cos I just joined RCIA abt a mere 3 mths as compared to my peers whom have joined since last jun. I may have to go through another round of RCIA. But I don't mind going through another round of RCIA as I will be able to learn more abt Catholicism. Well this coming tue I may be getting an interview with Father Brys. If I am not wrong this will be the final interview to confirm my faith to GOD. I need to get myself a baptism name as he will ask me for one. I used to be called Jeslin but I don't think this name serve any meaning to me. I still prefer to be called by my english name, hwei ying.

I looked back into my past and I thought I was kinda childish when I was in my secondary days. I used to feel ashamed to be addressed as Hwei Ying. I wanna make myself more "hip" as my peers. I don't have a christian name so when I entered secondary sch, I decided to give myself a christian name. I used to read alot of teens and teenage mag and I got my name: jeslin from the penpal page. I found that this name was quite unique so I called myself jeslin. However, as I grew older, I dread to be called jeslin. I wanna change my name from jeslin to my dialect name, hweiying. The reason why i still used jeslin is for the purpose of convenience and for easy pronounciation. Now I have a purpose of changing my christian name to a more significant one. This time I wanna search for one name that truely reflects who I am or whom I wanna be.

Currently on the list is COLETTE. I know it is kinda hard to pronounce but this name belong to saint colette who have lost her parents by the time she was seventeen. Some similarity of fate for both of us!..hehe..so frens out there if u have any suggestion pls tell me asap...thanks

日曜日, 1月 08, 2006

DO I LOOK LIKE A PIG? Getting fat and I said no ice cream for today but no choice since mr chia wanted to eat Gelare! But anyway thanks for the treat.....
Eating ice cream in the cold! testing my limitation...
photo courtesy of mr chia

Seem like everyone is posting their new year resolution in their blogs. Okie now is my turn!

1. Walk closer to GOD! Yeah!
2. Make money to compensate of my loss of income due to some new rules at my stall. I need to get a sat part time job..
3. Be happy and worries-free!
4. Lose 5 kg of weight and stop eating those junkies
5. Start a new business
6. Stay healthy
7. Get a nice man and settle down quickly. actually being a housewife is not a bad idea. I mean "taitai"

wow, only 7 of them...hope can accomplish all

Sorry folks that I am less less active in blogging..For those who miss my blogs...BAD NEWS U may still miss it longer!..heehee...been lazy and busy so ...folks pls be patient!..
* Yoz, cecilia thanks for checking out my blog frequently..hehe so glad tt u read it.

Another reason why I don't blog tt often becos I am a happier soul now with less worries and don't suffer from depression anymore. I don't feel that lonely now...I used to write blogs to kep me mentally occupied so that I don't have much time to think abt other things and also I blog to pour out my feelings....I need to thank GOD, he came into my life and everything changes and I no longer need blogging to pour out my troubles and sadness cos I feel lighter and happier..less burdens! Praise the LORD!

土曜日, 1月 07, 2006

FiReWOrkZ by the Esplanade on new yr's eve
------These are some of the pix I took at the stroke of midnite! ENJoy Folks!

Really enjoyed my christmas holidays and new Year's day holiday to the fullest...Got really tired and slept for hours too!

Played "healthy mahjong--no gambling" with my nus friends at my hse after the countdown at esplanade. Yup we started playing at abt 2.30am till 7 am in the morning and I am the biggest winner..hehe but no money gained leh --just for the fun of the game....I slept for abt 2 hrs and rushed to church but this sunday is at my neighbour's church--S-word EFC at Jurong country club..I was invited alot of times from pple in the care group. I know quite a few of them during the christmas luncheon and dinner cum care group meeting at my neighbour hse. But I still prefer to stick to my church---St francis at Boon Lay. I feel like going home when I am there. Well good things usually comes in two...I was invited to join a young adult care group instead...we went for luch together after the sunday service ..I am really tired but no choice since they wanted me to join them...I just dun know how to say "no" ....

Anyway they are really kind folks and they treated me well but I cannot join them cos I have my commitment to St Francis to fulfill. I believe my faith and I wanna continue it through catholicism---the GOD's home for my tiring soul. I accepted my father through Catholicism. It is through Catholicism that I acknowledged HIM, Jesus and the Holy Spirits. Nonetheless, I do hope that the protestant church christians do not say "misleading stuff abt Catholicism". C'mon, We should be united as Christians and not divide among ourselves!

Somehow I am puzzled at times if they are so against Catholicism then why do they say the apostle' creed at the beginning of the service---- there is one impt sentence in the creed: I believe the Holy Spirits, the Holy CATHOLIC CHURCH! Haiz..I think they are contradicting themselves...Just my 2 cents worth of comment..