木曜日, 1月 26, 2006

Pillion riding is not that fun anymore!

A series of misfortunate events have befallen on me for the past 3 days and I think it will last for a week! I shld lie low this whole week.

After my car accident, my baby was sent for plastic surgery at the workshop hence I have no car to use for these 3 days. Today, I worked quite late until 8 pm hence I missed the public bus service. I have to walk out of the camp alone in the dark. But I tot I was lucky when I saw this army guy I know at the carpark. I asked him for a short ride out on his scooter. He told me tt he has no helmut with him now..I said never mind and I told him it is a short distance so It didn't matter. So he is beri kind to offer me the ride. I didn't know the consequences of pillion riding without a helmut can be dire in an army compound until...........we are turning and the guy stopped at a junction. We saw an indian guy who was looking at us. The army guy asked me to alight 1st and the indian guy asked him to stop. I sensed tt something is not right so I went forward to chk it out...The indian guy turns out to be a warrant officer from another unit in the army. He asked for our camp pass and where we worked, our designations...even my Ic number....shit. He tot he is a policeman. STOP DREAMING!

He asked and scolded the army guy. Do u know tt it is a very serious offence to pillion ride a person without helmut? I interrupted and said it is my fault as I insisted in pillion riding. I told him tt the army guy said NO already but I insisted. Then the warrant officer asked to stand aside and stop interrupting. Later, he asked for the names of his company officer and CSM. Then He said : Oh ...I know ur commanding officer (CO) beri well...I think I will call him tomolo to tell him abt it. Both our faces turned green....CO is like the principal..shit he is in a bad mood lately and u gonna tell our principal tt I the civilian has caused his man to commit an offence...I really wil be in deep shit!

Later, he asked the army guy to leave 1st then he questioned me. I told him I worked late today and I insisted to get a free riode and not knowing the consequences. I asked him to forgive and excuse the army guy as I am the one at fault...the warrant officer said he will report as I insisted on riding the scooter. I said OK!. He told me tt if next time I worked late I can called and informed the pple on duty at the gate to send someone up to escort me out of the camp or I can follow one of the service man out...I said I will...Then he said He will think abt the severity of the case and think whether he wants to report the case tomolo to my commanding officer...aiyo, GOD pls help me...I hope the army guy will be fine...or else I will be gulity lah...