木曜日, 6月 29, 2006

4th day at heyri

too lazy to type..anyway...make my way to heyri art valley on my 4th day..took a bus from seoul station with the help a korean executive who speaks gd english...she helped mi to walk from one bus stop to another to ask for directions....she is GOD-sent guardian..thank u. (oops..forgot to ask her name). there is lots of bus stops outside the seoul station....finally reach mak guem dong after 2 hrs bus ride and another 45 mins wait for my hrly interval bus 200 to heyri...okie the town is still not fully occupied yet still have some construction going on and .....not many pple go there but opp the town is the korean english village....well took the bus 200 back to daehwa station and head back to insadong for my han jeong sik dinner cost 30000won...over 25 dishes served...dan full after the meal and back to myeong dong...it is cold tt nite less than 12 deg...i only wear a thin piece of clothings without any cardigan...i survived the weather..oh my god ...get used to cold weather...i dun wear extra clothings when i am in seoul cos i still can bear the cold...haha guess i am a person who can survived well in the cold...but definitely not in hot climate