木曜日, 6月 08, 2006

Da Vinci re-coded not decoded!

there is so much hype created abt the davinci book series..from documentary to movies etc....now there is even davinci watch collection...crazy...these pple are earning bucks (the wealth that GOD has given us) at the expense of his reputation....

Anyway, I have not read a single book written by DAN Brown. I am simply not interested in friction. Thanks GOD for that. I finally get to watch the movie over the weekend. Well, pretty boring at the beginning but the movie is quite easy to understand except for certain terms that i am not exposed to like priory sion and opus dei. I prefer watching documentaries than movies..

the verdict: according to the bible there are 12 apostles and jesus having the last supper and in the wall mural drawn by davinci --- 12 persons and jesus...so "no mary magdalene". the one sitting next to jesus is JOHN. I think davinci just wanna give john a feminine touch hence a more feminine face for JOHN. As an artist i can understand davinci's urge to de different from other artists in his times...he had tried new ways of painting on dry walls rather than wet ones (the norm in his era) and incorporate JUDAS to sit with other apostles....while JUDAS was sat on the other side of the table drawn by other artists.

But i did realise one thing: This davinci mania has helped strengthen my faith and not dissolving it...I think all christians think so too...this quest for the truth has prompt me to question more and look for an ans and as i uncover more mistakes in davinci, I have grown stronger in my faith for GOD. I love u GOD for this wisdom tt u have given me.

May all christians rejoice and not be sad or confused by this code...it is a blessing in disguise cos now not only christians have strengthen their faith ..even non-christians are interested to find out more abt GOD...