土曜日, 9月 10, 2005

Something funny happened today............

No offence to buddhists, taoists and christians.

Today, at my canteen, my dad's friend came to pay a visit. He was coming back for a meeting in the vicinity and popped by to get a cuppa coffee from my shop. He asked: "how's life and how" business?"

I said with a frown: "business has been bad recently..."

He said: " aiya, anything bad happens, just chant--tian ling ling, di ling ling, -----etc...and buddhism chants."

Guess what I said? I told him that: " I'm with AMEN "

His expression changed...coldness sets in...then he said: " then I can't help u cos we belong to different sect. we have to go separate ways."

I said I believe in god just to test out and observe what will be the other party's reaction and I anticipated he will say something like this....bingo..I am a genius.

This friend of my dad...I don't really like him cos he is always acting as if he knows alot of thing and sometimes he thinks that he can act on behalf of his god... He is not a pure buddhist though he is trying to be one or at least act like one... he is still tie in between taoist and buddhism ..and I think most buddhists also suffer from the same situation. There is no clear line between taoism and buddhism..goddess of mercy is also tied in between this tug of war.

I was confused too and clueless abt this religious affair..I considered myself as a follower of what my ancestors' believed and practised.

Why human's relationships changed when the issue of religious belongings/identity sets in? Can't people of different religions be friends? Religion/one's belief is more important than camaderie / true friendship?

Think abt it!

Even within the same religion, there are furter differentiated into more small sects. WHY??????

Aren't we belong to one big family? the family of the universe.