日曜日, 9月 25, 2005

My 1st evening prayer to GOD.

Eternal God, who gave us this day, and who now at evening time are taking it back to yourself, forgive us for all which today we did not do. Forgive us for any word of comfort, of praise, of thanks, which we might have spoken, and did not speak. Forgive us for any help we might have given to someone in need and did not give. Forgive us if today we have made things more difficult for anyone. Forgive us if by word or action we have set a bad example to anyone, and have made it easier for another to go wrong. Forgive us if today we have been disloyal to any friend, or if we have hurt the hearts of those whom above all we ought to cherish. My dear almighty God. Please grant my friends the power to love and face the challenges ahead of them with great faith. For it is You who possess the compassion and power to lead us closer to your path. Grant us this night Your gift of sleep; and grant us grace that tommorrow we may walk more close to You: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen