水曜日, 9月 21, 2005

I felt tired.....

My shoulders are extremely tight and stiff. It feels like I am carrying a thousand tons of rice sacks on my shoulders. I wish I could let them go. But I can't, I have to be responsible for them. They are my duties. I have to continue carrying them until they have reached their destinations. As one grow older, one will get to carry more burdens. Some burdens which u are very willing to carry and some are forced to your face. You just have to face it and try to lighten them. It is hard to distribute them away by praying hard that they will one day disappear. But if they really disappear from your shoulder, yes, initially, u will be happy that they are gone forever, but, u will also feel a sense of loss and emptiness. I am now in a dilemma. Confused! tired...my energy already exhausted, I wish to fall asleep...............................................................


Blogger Francesca Cecilia said...

Just sharing with you ...

You can lift your burden to Him. If you have a Bible, just turn to Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Reflect on it.

I let Him take care of my burdens and I am happy.

P.s, understand that u are a Buddhist. I am not trying to preach to you but I am just sharing my treasure with you. Take care and rest well. *Hugz!*

5:43 午後  
Blogger Francesca Cecilia said...

sorry, tried to reply u via email but i can't. hope you dun mind me posting it here ...

thank God you are not repulsive to what I wrote on your blog.

Your friend had joined the protestant church? I am in no position to tell you what he did was right or wrong but I can share with you how God has touched me.

Your friend is probably touched by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit touches us, we will be inspired and we would want to follow Jesus and because we have felt His great love for us, we would want all our friends to follow for He is the Treasure, there is this joyous feeling in us. Sometimes, it is the way we handle it. I have learnt through the hard way (by coming to near direct confrontation with my mum on my faith) and thank God, I have a brother in christ who reminded that this faith thingy is between me and God. I cannot influence people by forcing them to believe but pray to God for His help. In the meantime i just need to focus on Him and Him alone. He, being the almighty God will take care of things. =)

Being a Christian means forming a relationship with God - this cannot be done overnight. instead, you need to be open hearted, acknowledged your sins, lift up your burdens and submit yourself to Him - let His love surround you. dun panic if u dun feel Him at first but continue to pray to Him to let you hear Him loud and clear ... this happened to me on a numerous occasion. (you may not believe me or think that i am crazy but best of all, I know how non beliver think coz i was once a non-beliver - everytime anyone tells me abt how great this God is, i would just give them a cynical look.)

Strange how God has His plans for me. I was touched one day and that made me curious about Him. I started to read the Bible. As i continue reading, i was drawn to it and questions came to my mind - abt praying to my parents after they die etc. But my friend told me that by ignoring the Truth, it doesn't change things. (or something to that effect).

God loves us and He sees the big picture. He has plans for us. Instead of turning Christinity away, why not try to find out more? One of the 10 commendmants is to love your parents. As for praying to them etc, well, we got to remember that Christianity has been around for so many years and it has been interwined with lots of culture etc ... and the praying (to idols vs being filial to parents) part is sometimes taken out of context ... for all you know, your parents may have said yes to God when they are on their way to heaven. I am still very new to my faith. But if u really need to speak to someone abt this, you can always ask me (i try my best to answer), drop in to a catholic church, join the process to find out more. =) (cos no point hearing from others .. it's still better to experience it yourself.)

Remember, if you decide to become a Christian, do it becoz you love Him and not him. The focus should be on Jesus.

8:30 午後  
Blogger Francesca Cecilia said...

Hi =)

I am a Catholic. Currently joinging a class to know more about the faith.

Hmm, we do not pray to Mary or the Saints - it's a common misconception. It is always th Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I would like to invite you to a mass to find out more. Visit www.veritas.org.sg to find out more. We have Mass everyday - morning and evening. Just walk in with an open heart. =)

9:36 午前  


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