土曜日, 8月 19, 2006

I was loved by YOU!

Tuesday15 aug was the assumption of Mary. There was a talk held at the Holy Cross church on wed and thurs on Mother Mary. I went for the Thurs' talk. Quite an interesting speech delievered by Fr ambrose. Get to deepen my nderstanding abt Mary and able to tell my friend more abt Mother Mary and also clarify to others tt Catholics don't WORSHIP Mary, we just Honor her like Jesus honor her as her mother.

I went with carol and her god daugther in christ. I was inspired by the speech tt i wanted more so i signed up for a sunday retreat in sept. But onl shortlisted pple can go. Hopefully i get to go lah. I think alot when i reached home last nite. I reflected on my past one yr life. There was alot of ups and downs in this one yr.

I can say tt MY FATHER and I had been thru this love-hate relationship. I am not ashamed to admit tt i have hated HIM before. Though this is sinful but if i didn't hate HIM then i wouldn't have walked closer with HIM today. I am the defiant child of HIS. I shall explain this HATE relationship 1st. HE did took away alot of things from me last yr before i came to acknowledge him. He took away my loved ones. My world seems to tumble down overnite. One day i felt love and the next day, they just disappear with a word. I can say tt i was put to a test of my life. I have not been thru so many heartbreaks in my life and all these just happened one event after one event. I cried alot but i was forced to grow and be independent. I am not so what HE wants from me at tt time. ALL i prayed for is to leave me alone. Perhaps it is his way of throwing tantrums at him. ( sometimes the father also need to show his displeasure abt his child too). Or His plan is to make me a stronger person?

After i get to know HIM and was touched by his holy spirit. I submit HIM. I am thankful for the people he introduced to my life once again (cecilia). He revealed to me at St Mary's. I was so glad tt He didn't forsake me and He is with me all this while. NOW, I know the reason behind his plan. I grew to love HIM and not hate HIM. He did all these things to make me a better person. Since my encounter and acknowledgement with MY FATHER, many wonderful things have happen to me. There are countless of miracles tt happened and cannot be explained but i may say because HE made it happen. I have many difficulties in the past yr but somehow when i was lost, HE will reconcile it. Now everything seems to fall into its place. I do hope tt i will not be put thru more tests.....haha...HE will understand me.

On wed nite, I am not sure is it by chance or what i was prompted to do a task that i am supposed to do but i didn't do it ....I left it lying there at one corner and refused to face it...this is the thing HE will constantly revealed to me. I always said to HIM that i need some time.....but think I will act according to YOUR wish this time round. Your daughter in christ....I LOVE YOU MY FATHER IN HEAVEN!