金曜日, 12月 23, 2005

Spiritually Born on 22nd Dec 2005!

Firstly, I would like to thank my neighbour for inviting Florence and Waileng to meet up with me and share the GOOD NEWS! I said the sinner's prayer and accepted GOD and Lord Jesus Christ as my saviour!... Later I am pronounced spiritually born...Today is my new birthday! We had a long conversation and sharing and I am being asked a few questions to ascertain my faith. I did feel kinda weird of how things turn out. I am a catholic and my neighbour is a protestant and yet I am invited to their gathering and sharing. I am fine with all these arrangements and we all come together for a meaningful cause for GOD's sake. I am glad to learn more about GOD and Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you GOD for all the things that had happened to me.

TODAY is also a meaningful day ---my father's one year death anniversary on the chinese calender and I am also spiritually reborn ( I got a small certificate) and it is 3 days before christmas...So many coincidences!

月曜日, 12月 19, 2005

Lack of Sleep but having lota fun and gd food!

Haha ...cannot believe that I am already start celebrating christmas one week earlier... This year christmas will be a really busy one for me. I attended a chalet gathering at changi last nite and I didn't know that I am gonna stay until 4.30 am before I really head home to catch some sleep. Thanks to Chris who invited me over to the chalet of her church mates. I get to know more pple from other church. Most importantly I learnt to play "bridge" ..thanks to ISSAC who is really patient. Thank God for everything wonderful that had happened to my life. I slept at 6 am this morning..GOSH!..3hrs and 30 mins later I crawled out of my bed..suffered from a headache. I rushed to church for my usual 10:30 am service.

After church, we stayed back for the annual church cleaning day!...Yoz. We were quick and swift...all of us completed our area in 30 mins. After that, I headed home and rushed to my neighbour's house for a christmas luncheon...Yoz my 1st turkey of christmas. Ate alot and almost feel bloated and my spirits are floated too!..haha..though I am really tired but it's fun. Managed come home at 4pm to get some sleep and recharged my soul!

Oh yes, I went for last min shopping for a microwave oven...I need one and after months, I finally bought it. It is a Panasonic model with inverter technology so it consume less energy.

土曜日, 12月 17, 2005

My Life now is like a nice piece of cake: sweet and beautiful

I can sense that something bad may be happening to my life soon. I don't want it to be destroyed by pple I know. For the past few months I have tried very hard to overcome many obstacles and walked out of my darkness and loneliness. Now I am enjoying the fruit of my harvest. It is sweet and peaceful now. I am a typical taurus, I don't lke changes especially changes that gonna happen to my life, emotionally. I like my life to keep it as it is now. Pls don't come and destroy my momentum. Pls spare me! Please don't step into my world again. I adorn what I have now....A kinda of happiness and peacefulness that I had tried so hard to find. I don't wish to step into ur life again too cos I don't wanna create unnecessary misunderstandings again. Just let everything be the same as it is....


木曜日, 12月 15, 2005


I got the contract ! A million thanks to my father in heaven, my lord and my holy spirits. I also wanna thanks all my friends out there who have lend their hands, hearts and souls to me especially in times when I am feeling really down and at my lowest point. Your words and encouragement and hugs have warmed my shivering soul. I LOVE U ALL...smoooch! As for my brothers and sisters in christ---Thanks for guiding me towards this path of eternity and endless love. Lastly, I wanna thank GOD for send such a wonderful man to my life. Without him, I may not even get my contract!

I wish everyone here on earth--have a great week ahead and prepare for christmas!

Well been down with a bad flu since Sunday morning..it all started after I went to sing karaoke on sat evening..think it must be the air in the room ...beri stuffy in the beginning and later the room got really cold...sianzz..I felt fo tired for the past few days..my body aches like hell.

A song that I wanna recommend..didn't really notice the lyrics until I sang it at KTV recently and watch a taiwanese drama called: "Devil beside u" featuring this song too!

A very nice song by Yang Cheng Ling raine : 暧昧

暧昧让人受尽委屈, 找不到相爱的证据
何时该前进,何时该放弃, 连拥抱都没有勇气
暧昧让人变得贪心, 直到等待失去意义, 无奈我和你写不出结局, 放遗憾的美丽

暧昧让人变得贪心,直到等待失去意义, 不能用恨你却不住结局, 放遗憾的美丽停在这里
暧昧让人受尽委屈, 找不到相爱的证据,
何时该前进何时该放弃连, 拥抱都没有勇气

只能陪你到这里, 毕竟有些事不可以超过了友情还不到爱情,
远方就要下雨的风景, 到底该不该哭泣, 想太多是我还想你,
我很不服气, 也开始怀疑眼前的人是不是同一个真实的你

日曜日, 12月 11, 2005

火曜日, 12月 06, 2005

One of my favourite photo by my canon 350D baby before it died due to the cold weather..damn! I hoht the camera is made in japan.............................................