水曜日, 9月 06, 2006

healthy diet for a nice abs

Recently, i have started on a low carb and high protein diet to slim down further...haha...think quite effective..when I said diet doesn't mean skipping meals...and of course no FABs diet too..i always believe tt eating a balanced meal is important but if u do not want extra baggages around ur body then cut down on carbs....

it is always motivating and good to have kakis joining u with the dieting...at least u know u huys are eating the same thing all the time.....I am very conscious abt my total FAts intake and also my sodium intake too...i followed guidelines from http://www.nutrition.com.sg

u wil be amazed tt we normally take in too much sodium and fats from just one meal....so be caution!...

Life has not been sweeter and it is such a coincidence tt we had the same soya bean drinks for our dinner today...haha....and we drink the same protein shake ..haha ...more motivation to work harder