火曜日, 8月 23, 2005

563 BC to 483 BC

The ego is illusory; freedom of the oneself in the emptiness is Nirvana. Essentially, it is about trancending material needs and wants to enlarge upon spiritual growth, which is seen as an essential movement towards the ending of personal and human suffering. Get it?

All mighty religions in this universe are born equal and they are there to educate people ( all of us have our sins) to be good citizens of the universe....there is no difference in the bottomline of their teachings....at the end of the day when there is a final judgement day ( I personally think tt it is when the day u die), our sins can be reduced through accumulation of gd deeds, going for prayers etc...all religions are set up to direct us to become gd individuals..but some of the religions may have gone overboard over these missionary affairs... afterall these organizations are controlled by human beings( we r not pure at hearts cos we r not saints..even so, there r fallen angels too!)

The crux of the matter here is to stop religions' war and let us all unite in peace. let's not talk abt religion.....we should live our everyday to be fullest and should we die one day or tomorrow, we shall ot die with regrets! I know it will be hard to die without regrets cos u still have ur loved ones and many desires tt u have not fulfilled. Let's face it this way---if u r not born to this world, u will not have these desires and ur so-called loved one. U r just you in heaven or the universe..u r only one soul with no strings/bond attached. We shld leave behind these strings when we leave. This is wat i have done for my dad when he passed away on 3rd Jan 2005. I prayed before him and tell him to leave peacefully and leave whatever worries, sins, desires behind in this world and go for nirvana( we r buddhists). He smiled half an hour later after his death...deep down I know he passed away peacefully cos he know that i am strong and i didn't cry. It is tough for anyone to chant those buddhism prayers when their loved ones passed away...but i know i must be strong and do this final prayer for him....

I chanted "xin jing" for my dad...farewell parting gift. Dad! I still miss u! i wish i can reunite with u and mama soon...but i know i can't. The purpose of my existence is to tie up the loose strings tt u have left behind. I will join u all when my job in this world is done!

my 2 cents...