木曜日, 7月 27, 2006

a "human french toast"

Excuse me, are you making any french toast today?: my boys asked

NO! not in the mood : I replied.....

We miss ur french toast!: my boys begging ....

Haiz...so i look like a french toast to u all? why everytime u all see me, you all will ask "got french toast or not?" ...think next time must invent a "french toast parfume" for my boys. So they can spray around their rooms and inhale it when they can't eat it( to stop their cravings).

"a french toast flavoured food inhaler"

Anyway, due to popular demand i have invented more variety...garlic cheese, peanut butter cheese etc...

NOW I have done some branding on my famous french toast.....haha.....the one and only, 5 sir cheese french toast

水曜日, 7月 26, 2006

quote of the day!

Your Faith can move the mountain

: pple always say have faith in whatever u do and u will suceed...but i think ultimately our faith is directed at GOD. So it shld be have faith in GOD and you will suceed cos HE will provide!

月曜日, 7月 24, 2006

i am back in action!

I finally got back my laptop..all information is gone and with a new motherboard(hard disk)....i am pretty amazed tt my laptop can survive for more than a yr with a faulty motherboard when I bought it...

Initially, I thought my battery is not working so I sent it in for repair but the toshiba guy said tt my battery is working so he rebooted my laptop ( tt is in jun 2005). Slowly, my lan port is not working so i bought a wireless modem then later my laptop cannot shut down properly or at most times, it will shut down by itself without pressing the shutdown button.....then one day , i couldn't go into windows...then i know it is gone...but i tried to recover it with my recovery cd but still no use, it can't run anymore......my laptop is like diagnosed with cancer in one organ and later the cancer cells spread to different organs and finally it died!....

all i have to say is : Suay!!!!!!

I lost all my pictures....lucky i still have my korea trip's pics stored in my Cf card...but my japan trip one is gone. So sad!

okie other than my laptop issue, for the days without my laptop i have been busy sweating out and losing fats...yeah...finally lose 1 kg within a week.....keep going!

火曜日, 7月 11, 2006

my laptop is down with virus!

shldn't have save on my virus protection package. well guess i will not b able to access the internet for the next few weeks or days lor...actually life really boring without internet. Haven't finish my finance study online...damn!

alright i am using my army camp's pc to write this blog....guess my frens have to wait for some time before i can update my blog...Yup currently, i have picked up
"running" again to kill my time...enjoy running in the night..heehee