月曜日, 2月 27, 2006

old folks deserve better!

I met my neighbour at the corridor today.

He said: " why u didn't come to our church?"
I said:" Actually I am with another church; I went to ur church that day is becos auntie invited me there."

He said:" Oh....so u going out now?"
I said:" Yup, mi going to st Joseph Home; I brought some stuff for them."
He said:" Oh, so you giving away things that you don't use lah."

Got abit shocked by his reply....then I replied:
" No lah, I bought food stuffs for them."

As expected, He was surprised too.....

Moral of the event: Those pple from old folks homes, children homes, hospice etc-----DESERVE BETTER THINGS THAN THINGS THAT WE DON'T USE/ DON'T WANT ANYMORE.

THESE PPLE ARE HUMAN BEINGS LIKE US WITH DIGNITY. WE SHLD TREAT THEM WITH DIGNITY TOO! these homes are not dumping grounds of things you don't want.....see what happened to the salvation army donation booth...flooded with unwanted things! Though these pple may be abit unfortunate than us but they deserve better treatment than being treated like beggers for love and material stuffs.

IT is always alright to spend some money to get them new stuffs and food. It is apart of sharing our love and fortunes that GOD has given us. Especially as christians, we shld show more love and mercy towards these pple in society.

HOW would u feel if someone give you things that they don't want and expect u too accept the "gift" with joy and gratefulness?

lastly, I wanna thank zatan for inviting me to st joseph home...it is a wonderful experience...

日曜日, 2月 26, 2006


Just came back from cinema. I watched a nice show--MUNICH. A steven spielberg's production--quality quaranteed! It is abt historical event of 11 Isrealites been killed by the arabs back in the 70s and how the govt of Isreal sent it's agents to go undercover to kill the arabic terrorists.....A show abt revenge!

this show prompts us to think abt evil and how pple who are gd in nature were involved in the hunting and termination of evils, had indeed became evils themselves. The killing will never end cos when one party is down, there will be another replacement in the terrorist act.

" You can't be evil to curb evil. You only falls into the trap set be satan! This will be a never ending story." To stop evil, you must be different, you must be the kind soul"

木曜日, 2月 23, 2006

Damn I feel like packing my bags again!

Getting abit retarded in everything I do... Need some fresh air but I am praying hard that I will have a windfall and the luxury of time to travel again. I need to refresh and recharge my long overdue dry batteries. I am the kinda person who can survive pretty well in a foreign land and language is not my barrier...haha ..frens that have travelled with me before will know..heehee... glad tt I am blessed with this kinda of ability. haha..I am also a lady who can read maps and have a navigation system installed in my brain. Duh...I seldom got lost in foreign land..even without map...Haiz...I think I shld travel again soon...

Bon voyage catherine! the pple of thailand, laos and vietnam beware!

水曜日, 2月 22, 2006

Vatican online

I just discover this website on vatican by the vatican church.

lots of information abt everything or anything u wanna know abt catholicism.

true holiness

" True Holiness does not mean a flight from the world; rather, it lies in the effort to incarnate the gospel in everyday life, in the family, at school and at work, and in social and political involvement"


土曜日, 2月 18, 2006

jap phone terms : lesson 1

Common terms in japanese on telephone and mobile phone:
1 - mouthpiece
2 - receiver
3 - LCD
4 - answering machine
5 - key, keypads
6 - asterisk, star
7 - pound number
8 - speakerphone
9 - hold
10 - redial
11 - call waiting
12 - speed dial
13 - battery power
14 - incoming signal strength
15 - vibration alert
16 - wall paper
17 - menu key
18 - power key
19 - strap

木曜日, 2月 16, 2006

u need none

How many stalk of roses do u need from your loved one (koibito) : NONE

How many boxes of chocolates do u need from your loved one: NONE

How many teddy bears do u need from your loved one: NONE

How many candle light dinners do u need from your loved one: NONE

How many times of saying "I LOVE U" do u need from your loved one: NONE

How many quarrels and arguments do u need from your loved one: NONE

You need NONE cos all u need is a true lovely heart.

Love is also having to say SORRY when needed.

水曜日, 2月 15, 2006

Loo day

It's not happie Valentine's day..it is happie LOO day!

Shit! ...been having bad stomaches today!

I need to sleep now and pray that i will recover tomolo morning

土曜日, 2月 11, 2006

The meaning of colette

Be it by chance or GOD's will that I chose COLETTE as my name. I was surprised that how saint colette is related to saint Francis of Assisi. Guess wat St Francis of Assisi church is where I am receiving my RCIA. Wow...unbelievable. I chose this name cos I shared the same destiny as St colette as I lost my parents at a young age too. The name also signifies victory. I had this strong feeling that this is the name for me.

Found out the profile of St colette only on last night...really caught me by surprise!

Profile of saint colette
Carpenter's daughter whose parents were near 60 at her birth. Orphaned at age 17, and left in the care of a Benedictine abbot. Her guardian wanted her to marry, but Colette was drawn to religious life. She initially tried to join the Beguine and Benedictine orders, but failed in her vocation. Franciscan tertiary. Hermitess. On 17 September 1402, at age 21, she became an anchoress - walled into a cell whose only opening was a grilled window into a church.

She had visions in which Saint Francis of Assisi ordered her to restore the rule of Saint Clare to its original severity. When she hesitated, she was struck blind for three days and mute for three more; she saw this as a sign. Colette tried to follow her mission by explaining it, but had no success. Realizing she needed more authority behind her words, she walked to Nice, barefoot and clothed in a habit of patches, to meet Peter de Luna, acknowledged by the French as the schismatic Pope Benedict XIII. He professed her a Poor Clare, and was so impressed that he made her superioress of all convents of Minoresses that she might reform or found, and a missioner to the friars and tertiaries of Saint Francis.

She travelled from convent to convent, meeting opposition, abuse, slander, and was even accused of sorcery. Eventually she made some progress, especially in Savoy, where her reform gained sympathizers and recruits. This reform passed to Burgundy, France, Flanders, and Spain. Helped Saint Vincent Ferrer heal the papal schism. Founded seventeen convents. One branch of the Poor Clares is still known as the Colettines. She was known for a deep devotion to Christ's Passion with an appreciation and care for animals. Colette fasted every Friday, meditating on the Passion. After receiving Holy Communion, she would fall into ecstasies for hours. She foretold the date of her own death.


Necklace. Victorious. A Middle Ages feminine form of Nicholas which was originally a diminutive of Nicolette. Famous bearers - 15th Century French nun St Colette, and 20th century French writer Colette.

Expression Number 8: People with this name are competent, practical, and often obtain great power and wealth. They tend to be successful in business and commercial affairs, and are able to achieve great material dreams. Because they often focus so strongly on business and achievement, they may neglect their private lives and relationships.


Excuse me! You painted this painting?

Shld I say excuse me! are u a painter?

I had a visitor on last thurs night. He came and he saw this huge painting on the wall. He paused awhile and he asked: you painted this picture? I said: yes. He looked at me with abit of disbelief or amazement. I think it's the mixture of both...Well, He gave me another kinda of look which translated into: I didn't know that u can paint? You don't look that artistic leh!....

Okie I think I am getting more like an ordinary Joe/jane...I missed my roots. I felt gd when pple appreciates my effort while on the contrary, I do get pple slamming remarks on my face which can be painful. Especially when very gd friends of urs did that to u.

Yup life goes on again.................

Is dream a form of vision?

Had a very bad dream this morning. I don't consider it as a nightmare cos there is no scary scene in the dream; just that the outcome is not a desirable one...everything is colorful and very real...but I do not hope that it will happen. There were times when what I dreamt of will be realised in months, or a few years time. I think some of u shared the same thing as I do. Though pple may say dreams are the opposite of reality but for my case...not really...hehe...

I wonder if my dreams are visions that HE wanted me to see....

火曜日, 2月 07, 2006


每個人在父母的羽翼下,永遠不用怕明天. 可是如果你世界的天倒下了呢?

你要偽裝成大人面對現實, 背上是更沉重的負擔, 笑容沒了...
成長的大人其實是不快樂的,你要去決定許多你根本不想決定的事,或者有許多決定根本沒有對錯,只有咬牙面對的份. 只有在所愛面前,你還可以像個孩子般的無理與撒嬌.

父母在的好,大家都要珍惜,當孩子是快樂的, 大家也都要開始學習付出愛

在選擇生活或追求愛情的面前 沒有人該說她們的愛對不對?選擇好不好?或者有什麼錯?不是嗎?

我的世界改變了! 你的變了嗎?

月曜日, 2月 06, 2006

I survived!

haha...I survived!...I didn't suffer from any backaches or muscles aches after the gym workout...hee.hee....guess i can continue with my routine...

金曜日, 2月 03, 2006

gym workout and sezchuan steamboat

My body aches like hell!

Damn...my whole body is feeling like it's gonna fall apart...Dun know why I must go thru this kinda suffering. I wanna shed as much mass as possible..credits given to my bak kua, tibits, pizzas etc. Been gaining alot of weight...Haiz...my agony.

Finally I made up my mind to go to the Jurong sport complex Gym for the 1st time. I have always wanna go there but dun have the chance and motivation. Now I must set a goal for myself....to lose 5 kg. After an hr workout...I have droppd dead. Why is it so tiring...

I went to geylang to eat my sezchuan spicy steamboat after gym. Our initial plan is to go geylang for porridge and tou huai (soya bean milk) but we ended up wating steamboat. The chilli is so spicy that I choked myself...sweat alot.

NOw I am beri tired..I need to have a gd rest..think tomolo morning I gona wake up have aching muscles. OKIE gonna make it a routine to go to the gym every thurs....at least once a week.

木曜日, 2月 02, 2006

Life abt sadness and happiness

Are u trying hard to lead an extraordinary life? Do u wanna leave a legacy behind when u die? Is your life filled with more bitterness than sweetness? Have u stumbled on your path to success?

Well for those who have fell and are trying very hard to stand up again...here's something for u all...

"when a woman is abt to give birth, she is sad because her hour of suffering has come; but when the baby is born, she forgets her suffering because she is happy that a baby has been borninto the world. That is how it is with u; now u are sad, but I will see u again, and your hearts will be filled with gladness, the kind of gladness that no one can take away from u." john 16:21-22

The days of the suffering will come to an end soon. If you have stumbled upon something, just cross ur fingers and keep ur faith. You WILL OVERCOME IT. once u have overcome it, u will be the happiest person in the world as U know U HAVE MADE IT BY YOURSELF. this kinda of happiness will always be with u.

For christians:
Though HE may not be by our sides always but he does not neglect u as he has sent someone else to guard over u and give u guidance.

"It is better for U that I go away, because if I do not go , the HELPER will not come to u. But if I do go away, then I will send him to u." john 16:7

So remember u are not alone. Even if u do not sense HIS presence now but u have his HELPER living inside u---your holy spirit.

SO cheer up and get over it!