月曜日, 1月 29, 2007

i have shifted

I have shifted my blog to

And also I have confirmed my baptism name to VERA ( saint veronica)

I wanted a more feminine name cos i wanted to reborn again to become a more demure and caring person....I have struggled with colette as my initial baptism name but cos it is very hard to pronunce and don't sound feminine enough...so VERA PANG will be my name for my new beginning. For your information, pls dun cal me jeslin again cos I want to leave my past behind and move on with my new life.....VERA---a more demure and caring woman.

And I love to wear VERA WANG's bridal gown (famous new york designer)

月曜日, 1月 22, 2007

volunteer job @ SGH

Life's looking great lately.

I just realise one of my new yr resolutions: I have joined the " friends of SGH" art and crafts volunteer programme. Just went for my 1st sat volunteer job yesterday.

Scope of our job: we made mini crafts and write some encouraging words like get well soon..etc on the crafts like book marks. Then we went to different wards to give them to the patients and motivate them and talk to them...wow it was interesting and fun but i feel abit up-tight at first cos some of the patients look quite hostile....we experience some funny things too...some of them tot tt we r selling the bookmarks ...communication breakdown here...haha. anyway every sat there will be diff groups and diff crafts will be made and we r haviing a hospital-wide fund raising project in jun/jul. wow looking forward to that.....

I still can't have enuff of it yet...think i may join NUH and KK hospital too. IF U HAVEN"T DO ANYTHING YET >>>think abt volunteering...u will get more than u give....

GOD said LOVE is the most important of all things. We must LOVE our neighbours...isn't it time u show ur love to pple around you especially the less fortunate and the sickly?

水曜日, 1月 03, 2007

Botanical garden

Well, I've been going to our famous botanical garden for 2 consecutive days. Been enjoying the fresh air and greenery and observing weird things tt pple do....

There is a Cafe les Amis at the visitor centre which I strongly recommend cos 1stly, it belongs to the Les Amis chain of restaurants and this one is the more affordable one and their servings are huge. The quality is also justifiable. So try their food if u happened to go to the park for a stroll and animals are also welcome at their cafe.

Observations made during my trips:

1. Boyfriend playing guitar to his girlfriend on grassland( sounds romantic?) ---but what if both are sitting under the sun and the boyfriend's singing sucks and his girlfriend is fanatically fanning herself to death becos of the weather....hmm...dun think it is tt romantic anymore as the girlfriend dun seem to bother abt his singing lor...

2. Doggie poo bag being tied to the dog chain...ya i know the dog shld be responsible to its things/belongings( afterall the poo bag is used to contain his poo lah) but it makes a labordor dog looks cheap and not elegant with a poo bag tied to his chain....

3. Children climbing onto an old tree's branch which is going to break soon....the Nparks pple had to used 2 structurs to support the poor branch from breaking.....

new year resolutions!

Ushering the new year with lots of hope and hopefully LOVE!

okie top on the list of 2007:

1.Get Married! with a fine man ( hard to fit into my category of FINE)

2. Move to Holland Village vicinity or District 9

3. Spend more time on the nature and volunteer work (been going to botanical gdn quite often now..weekly affair. Will volunteer at SGH and KK hospitals too...haha I need more time)

4. Travel to Paris ( just a dream)

5. lose more weight and be a healthy babe

6. Embark on organics regime

7. be a full time housewife.....haha