月曜日, 12月 11, 2006

Holland village and me!

I have been a frequent visitor of Holland Village ( at least once every week). There is one main draw in this enclave tt draws me towards it: My Provence bakery----yummy and freshly baked breads. I always drive there to get my weekly dosage of healthy french wheat bread and I would recommend it's brown rice bread (loaf), choc wassant, milk pan and cheese bun. Eveything is so fresh and aromatic tt all the buns will be grabbed within mins when it is out fr the oven. The shop is frequent by lots of japanese and koreans.

Other than my fav bakery shop, i also frequent one corner fruits stall in the mkt. The boss is super friendly and will let u try their pdts and he is sure to provide fresh and sweet fruits at all times and best of all he knows what u like to eat....haha i am a frequent customer of his stall too...heehee he knows tt i love raspberries and strawberries only. He also know which fruits is rich in what sort of minerals and gd for curing or prevent wat type of illnesses...cool man!

The makan places along the stretch of shophses tt i always go will be TCC, coffeeclub, Starbucks (I hate coffeebeans as their coffee sucks) , Pho vietnamese restaurant(cheap and authentic viet beef noodles), sushi tei and crystal jade. As for ice cream, i prefer GELARE than haagen daz as gelare is less fattening and taste much better than the latter. I have not been stepping in the tt haagen daz shop for donkey yrs liao...i dun really like tt place either. Gelare is more cosy.

I LOVE HOLLAND VILLAGE. my best fren suggested tt i shld moved to stay in holland village since i love the place so much ..but me dun have money..haiz...still looking for a man to buy mi a property in holland village area..I would love to stay in the new condo development : THE URBAN EDGE. So my new year resolution will be to move to holland village...haha pray tt i strike big SWEEP.

Sometimes it feels gd to stay in a closely knitted neighbourhood. HV is like a small town by itself and if u stay around tt area, i am sure u will make more frens than in the typical HDB zone areas....if i have the money, i would rather stay in HV than in orchard...i feel t orchard is too commercialised and the pple there are too rich to even give a damn of what's going on in their surroundings.

The onli thing tt i love abt orchard is the frequent coffee place: Starbucks at Paragon. Whenever i pass by paragon, i will drop by for a low fat latte...haha the staff recognised mi and said tt he saw come by at least once a week. I said cos i frequent the gym in paragon....sometimes it feels gd tt the staff can recognise and even know what u drink...this is called customer service.